Kiss Me Again Thai Series Novel


Howdy my lovelies!

Today I am giving y'all

a web log that compares

the Blue Kiss Novel

and it'south adaptation

Osculation Me Again (the PeteKao

story but!).

I ever want to read the

novel adaptations of

whatsoever drama just to see

the original source and

how it is adapted. So

I thought I would start

off with PeteKao's story

since Dark Bluish Kiss

is coming in October.

The PeteKao novel is

called Blue Osculation. And

their drama story is

in Kiss Me Once more. At present

Dark Blue Buss is

the 2d PeteKao

novel but I couldn't

detect the english language translation

of that so we will focus on

Blue Osculation and compare

information technology to the drama.

Strap yourself in as I am

full of spoilers for both!



i) Non-spoiler section.

ii) Character Revelations

iii) Changes

4) Concluding Verdict

v) Link to find the book.


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Non-Spoiler Section



We will kicking off with a

non-spoiler section.

Overall, afterwards reading

this brusk novel and

also having rewatched

the BL cutting of KMA

mutiple times. I can

safely say that GMMTV

faithfully adapted

the PeteKao story.

Yes in that location are changes,

merely majority of the

story was kept same.

Some drama plots

were added and some

scenes inverse but

90% of the story

I read was done

very faithfully

past the drama!

The primary divergence

I would say is that

the volume gave yous

a deeper moving-picture show

and look into the

character'southward thoughts

and motivations.

My biggest confusion

was Kao in the drama.

And the volume certainly

helped with that.

Drama wise I loved

Kao merely I could

never pinpoint

how speedily he

gained his feelings

for Pete and the

novel cleared that up

past filling in the gaps.

Overall, information technology is 90%

exactly like the book

with some changes

hither and there.

Good job GMMTV

writers for reading

the book!

If you don't want spoilers

don't read afterwards this

function!!! You've been



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Character Revelations



Okay I will speak virtually

all the differences in

the category below but

for now I wanna talk

about how reading

the volume gave me

a new perspective

on the main characters.

Mainly our master leads

Pete and Kao.


I will kick this off

with Pete first. Tay'due south

Pete is exactly the

aforementioned as the book

but there were some

minor changes. The

Pete in the novel

didn't get into as

much fights as

drama Pete. Hell,

novel Pete was

one possessive and

clingy friend. We

saw more possessive

and clingy side of him

in the novel. So

possessive that he

would cling onto Kao

before they became

official. Just generally,

volume Pete and drama

Pete are the same person.

The book gave us more

into his heed and honestly

I loved that every bit it showed

such a dork Pete

that I vicious in love

with him even more than!


Okay the biggest

perspective and modify

I got when it came to

characters was my

lovely and sweet Kao!

Book Kao and drama Kao

are identical. Newwie'south

portrayal and writing was

in graphic symbol. Yes book

Kao is as sassy as the

drama one. So how did

the book give me a

new perspective on Kao?

His thoughts! The drama

did all the showing and

talking simply boy the novel

gave me a whole new

dimension on Kao.

Meet I always

wondered how and why

Kao and so chop-chop changed

his feelings on Pete. Information technology

was quick af. I could

never work out if

Kao was in denial

or if he knew his

feelings for Pete

and hid it. It was

hard to put the finger

on it. Only the novel!

Prepare for a revelation.

From the beginning chapter

I bleat considering the

volume gives us a confirmation.

Offset chapter tells u.s.a.

that Kao in high school

was madly in honey with

Pete. Remember

the bullying flashback

scene? Yep he's crazy

in beloved with Pete there.

The book has that

chapter and Kao

is crazy in dear with

Pete and he hates

himself for it because

Pete bullies him.

On tiptop of that, Kao

is still in love with

Pete when he meets

him in university. Since

the drama is identical

to the book, it's pretty

clear that drama Kao

then too was in love

with Pete from school

throughout the bullying

years and was still

in love with Pete when

he met him in academy.

You take no idea how

this blew my mind!

Information technology was insane! And

explained so much!

The book showed

me Kao'due south caput and

he was already in

love with Pete for years.

He silently loved him

and that's why he hands

gave in when Pete

kissed him.

I was amazed and

very happy with

this revelation!

This put a whole

new canon perspective

on me for Kao and when

I rewatched it after

reading the novel,

I was enjoying it

fifty-fifty more!

The novel did an

amazing job then

getting me into

their heads and

making me love

information technology even more!


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Right anybody. Ladies

and lads. Strap in for

the comparison/changes

section. Some of these

will blow your listen.

Change ane:

Kiss Kiss Fall In Love

Think their

iconic accidental

kiss? The kiss which

started the PeteKao

train from episode 1?

Yes that didn't happen.

That accidental commencement

kiss was a GMMTV

invention! They do not

kiss AT ALL subsequently

the fight! Now

this is one change

which I loved! The first

accidental kiss is so

iconic and astonishing!

I am SO glad GMMTV

added this little

asset of drama.

Praise the writers

for making this.

Modify 2:

Tutoring Pete

At present in the novel, because

we didn't have the buss

to make Pete an angry

panic gay, in the novel

after talking with Sandie,

the boys buried the

hatchet early on and

became basically

best friends. They did

not fight as much

as the drama did.

They became besties

and Pete would elevate

and cling onto Kao.

On top of that,

Kao as well tutored

Pete repeatedly

and for longer fourth dimension.

Like in the drama

we got 2 scenes of

Kao tutoring Pete.

But in the novel, Pete

and Kao became

bffs early and Kao

tutored Pete. The

reason for this being

early on and more is

because they didn't

have the accidental kiss.

You win some you lose

some. Although I am sad

we didn't see more than tutor

Kao, I am glad to trade

in the drama for that

accidental kiss which

the drama made.

Alter 3:

No Mints Around

Correct. Remember the

terrible Mint? The girl

who Pete dumped in

high school for cheating

on him and the one who

returns in the drama

to cause all that shit

between Pete and Kao?

She is not the i

who causes the problem

in the book.

In the book Mint exists and

is mentioned. She is the one

Pete dumps for cheating on

him in high school. But

Mint does not return in the

volume. No the girl who causes

all that mess between Pete

and Kao, the girl who

takes that moving-picture show of Pao

and sends it to Pete'southward

dad is called Fongbeer.

Yeah not Mint. Mint stays in

the by and dissimilar

girl Fongbeer causes

all that mess. So everything

that drama Mint did, Fongbeer

does information technology. Different character.

Likewise Pelting and Mint

are non a thing (cause Mint

never returns duh).

So aye it's a change

a different character.

Chapter four:

Jealous boy and smart friends

Okay remember the iconic

jealous Pete scene

who crashes Sun and

Kao's lunch appointment? Don't

worry that does happen

in the book but it's a

piddling different.

In the drama only Pete

goes to crash the date

with Kao and Sun. In the

novel, Sandie, Thada and

June are smart friends who

come across how visibly possessive

and jealous Pete is.

Pete declares he is

going to the exact

aforementioned place for luncheon

and the three tag along

because they worry that

jealous Pete will assail

Dominicus if they aren't in that location.

Now Thada and June

take no idea about

Pete'southward romantic

jealousy with Kao.

Thada and June

assume Pete doesn't

like Dominicus taking the

spot as Kao's best friend

a position that Pete holds.

So all 3 go with

Pete to crash the

SunKao appointment.

I have to say I

preferred the drama

change here. I love

that Pete went on

his own to crash

that date. But the

volume was cool too

and made sense.

Chapter 5:

The Bed Scene

We finally come to

a scene which I

wish was more

accurate in the

drama! Recollect

that astonishing kiss in

episode 10? The bed

kiss? The kiss

which when we cut away,

left it very cryptic?

And the scene

following from there

had PeteKao shirtless

but with their jeans on.

The jeans made us

question if they slept

together or if they

had an intense make

out session. Clearly

the jeans and their

conversation after

makes information technology seem that

they didn't get all the


Well in the novel that was

their sleeping together

scene. Pete took Kao'southward

virginity after that bed

kiss scene. Oh how

I wish the drama was

more faithful and did

information technology too!

These are the biggest

changes. In that location are

pocket-sized changes besides

simply not plenty. These

are the biggest

differences. The rest

is 90% identical.


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Final Verdict



So, now that I have

compared Blue Kiss

with Kiss Me Once again.

What is my verdict?

Which is better?

It might sound similar

a boring answer

but I don't think

one is better than

the other. They both

are then like with

piddling good changes

that I would say that

the novel and drama

both complement

each other. The drama

for PeteKao was great

and the novel added

more than dimension and a

new perspective to

the characters and I

absolutely loved it!

And so neither is better

than the other, they

are equally good and

one halves of each

other. I HIGHLY

recommend you read

the novel equally it really

gives you more information

almost the characters!

Definitely 1 of my

favourite novels at present!


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Link to find the book



Of course I highly

recommend to find

and read this book.

If you want to observe

information technology and read it, I

have found and

bought the official

translation in english

and wrote a unlike

web log on how to find

information technology. And so if you want

to observe it:

Click Here.

I hope you lot guys

enjoyed this. If you

liked this I volition

be reviewing and

comparing more novels

and dramas.


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